MH17 – The Perfect Crime?

November 30, 2014

On July 17, 2014 the military conflict in Ukraine caused international casualties. Malaysian Airlines Boeing 777-200 flight MH17 en route from Amsterdam to Kuala-Lumpur disappeared from radar right above the conflict area and crashed near Grabovo, a village about 60 km to the east of Donetsk. All 283 passengers and 15 crew members died. Who did it?
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Mea Culpa

September 29, 2015

MH17-research – until today September 29, 2015 I wrote more than 35,000 words on all kinds of subjects related to the MH17 shoot down. Mistakes are inevitable and I think it is good practice to admit them, be open about them and give credit to the people who correct them.

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Who cares for MH17 eyewitnesses?

November 3, 2014

The Dutch, who are leading the MH17 Joint International team (JIT) think it is increasingly unlikely investigators would be able to reach the Malaysia Airlines MH17 crash zone in Eastern Ukraine.

The announcement comes at a moment the version of a jet fighter downing the airliner for the first time receives serious attention in the West. Countless eyewitness circulating on internet claim at least one military jet flew in the vicinity of MH17 as it disintegrated in the sky on July 17.

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