March 30, 2019
On social media the influence of bloggers, also referred to as civil journalists, has become a factor to reckon with.
March 30, 2019
On social media the influence of bloggers, also referred to as civil journalists, has become a factor to reckon with.
March 23, 2019
If you live in a Western country your brain has been inundated with claims about attempts by the ‘Putin regime’ in trying to undermine your values, beliefs, media choices and democracy. This article is a modest attempt to examine the other side of the story.
September 13, 2018
Analyzing tweets about MH17 has been the latest tool used to ‘prove’ foul play by Russia when it comes to injecting false information about the downing of the Malaysian Boeing in the Western public domain. Continue reading “Weaponizing info about MH17”
September 2, 2018
August 29, 2018 Dutch weekly De Groene Amsterdammer published:
“Investigating Disinformation on Twitter – How Russian trolls respond to Western fears“
August 6, 2018. Original article at Novini.nl
By Eric van de Beek
Who brought down MH17? For the Dutch government it is certain that the Russian military is to blame. But according to researcher Max van der Werff there is every reason to doubt. “Based on the evidence that has been made public, I still cannot reach any definitive conclusion.”
June 7, 2018
In a few weeks it will be four years ago since the Malaysian Boeing MH17 was shot from the air. 298 People were killed and the tragedy became part of a geopolitical chess game that will last for decades. Russia is currently in the defense.
July 28, 2016
“Russian Images of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17 Were Altered, Report Finds”
“MOSCOW – A group of arms control researchers have determined that two images released by the Russian government, ostensibly to help clarify why a civilian airliner was shot down two years ago, were digitally altered using Photoshop before being posted online.”
(New York Times 15 July 2016)
November 14, 2015
Most of October I spent investigating in Ukraine rebel controlled territory and 13th of October watched Tjibbe Joustra of the Dutch Safety Board announce on TV:
“The Buk missile was fired from rebel controlled territory”
November 18, 2015
Entire study is available in PDF format (6 MB)
The MH17 Shootdown – Origin of Equipment and Military Control of the Area of the Zaroshchens’ke Ukrainian Armed Forces BUK Deployment
July 26, 2015
More than a year has passed since Malaysian flight MH17 crashed, but we are still waiting for the publication of “overwhelming evidence” of Russian culpability.
January 24, 2015
In this article I will dissect a particularly vicious piece of propaganda disseminated by RTL Nieuws on December 22nd 2014. For practical purposes split up in four separate sections with transcripts and my comments.
July 26, 2015
Digitally altered image posted within 3 hours after MH17 crashed.
More than a year has passed since Malaysian flight MH17 crashed, but we are still waiting for the publication of “overwhelming evidence” of Russian culpability.
The only ‘visual proof’ a Buk missile was fired from rebel controlled territory is a photo posted by an anonymous Twitter account three hours after the crash.